More Words...

By Rebekah Perkins

The words must be perfect, and filled with correct meaning,
Not forced, and with error streaming,
Effortless and free they should flow from the pen,
Not having to crossed out again and again.

Like the wind as it plays with the ends of my hair,
Playful, free, without worry or care,
Not this forced stuff I try to invent,
But somehow, they still need to hold the right content.

Why when I try really hard, the words come out all wrong,
And when I don't care, they come in a throng,
But how not to care what they're supposed to mean?
How can I not with vigor onto them cling?

As I write now these words fall easily and with grace,
But my words always fail when a specific concept I face,
I can't seem to find the right words to comply,
And my beautiful idea, comes out all awry!


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