Those Teasing Words!
Why wont words do what you want?
Why do they even seem to taunt?
Why can I just not make then obey?
Always when there is something I just MUST say?!
Why do words flow easily from my pen,
And though I may try again and again,
When I try to say my thoughts aloud,
I can't find words as though I am searching in a thick
Why the things so easy in my mind,
Can not their way out of my mouth find?
It's a really impossible puzzle to solve,
Even when I make a very strong resolve!
I almost think that they do it just to tease,
Or their silly humor please,
Why they must choose me for their joke,
I really wish I knew why their fun at me must poke.
I suppose it will always be this way,
Though it gets rather tiring I must say,
I guess that words have the right to be,
So very annoying
to poor little me.
Why are my words ill fitting?
Because I use them never quitting?
But everyone else does the same,
So why should I bare all the blame?
Do the words think that I care not,
That people use them without a thought?
Carelessly throwing them away,
Caring not if they go or stay?
If so they are very wrong,
I do not go with the throng,
I think words are amazing things,
You can use them no matter what life brings.
You can use words in many ways,
Shakespeare used them to write plays,
I use them to bare life’s frown,
I find it helps to write things down.
Some people use words to hurt,
Mean things they carelessly blurt,
Words don't like to be used that way,
Makes them want to flee away.
Now words I hope you understand,
You are what makes life not
And though sometimes I use you wrongly,
I feel for you very strongly.
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