A Fall Morning
Oh beautiful morning with birds singing brightly
And tinkling stream, humming so lightly
Blusterous wind whispering secrets to the trees
And making music with a wind chime created out of old keys
The dew on the grass sparkling in the streaming sunlight
And a little robin bird flying out of my eyesight
A few fluffy white clouds against the blue blue sky
And across my path glides a purple dragon fly
The little wispy daisy's opening to embrace the sunshine
And the dew slowly disappearing from the lacy cobwebs so fine
A few autumn leaves scuttle across my resting feet
And a dull thump resounds as pine cone and ground meet
A wish comes floating through the air, and I catch it with my fingertips
I smile and release it, and away the wish quietly slips
A twilight colored cat steps gracefully into my view
While the lifting fog creates a curious kind of hue
This glorious morning we have to start this day
God you have made it, and "Thank you" is all I can say.
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